National Plan on Business and Human Rights (2017- 2020)
National Plan on Business and Human Rights (2017-2020)
The National Plan on Business and Human Rights was launched by the Tánaiste in 2017 to give effect to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The National Plan aims to promote responsible business practices at home and overseas, including in developing countries, by all Irish business enterprises.
The Business and Human Rights Implementation Group was established in December 2018 to oversee the execution of the National Plan over a period of three years. The Implementation Group comprises three sub-groups, each tasked with delivering action points under the three pillars of the UN Guiding Principles, namely the state duty to protect, the corporate responsibility to respect and access to remedy.
Pursuant to the National Plan, a baseline assessment of the legal and regulatory framework pertaining to business and human rights in Ireland (ReganStein, 2019) and a review of access to remedy in Ireland (Dr Rachel Widdis, 2020) have been commissioned.
Baseline Study Business and Human Rights
Review of Access to Remedy in Ireland
During 2021 the Human Rights Unit of the Department of Foreign Affairs worked closely with the multi-stakeholder Implementation Group for the National Plan on Business and Human Rights in the preparation of a review of implementation of the National Plan. Members participated in a special forum was convened on 31 May 2021 to consider the review. The review document was noted by Government on 3 December 2021.
Review of implementation of National Plan on Business and Human Rights 2017-2020
Consultation Process
The National Plan was the product of a long consultative process involving relevant stakeholders, including civil society and business.
Preliminary submissions on the development of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade invited submissions from interested parties up until 1 March, 2015, on the development of the National Plan on Business and Human Rights and received over 30 submissions from civil society and the business community. All submissions can be accessed below.
Working Outline of Irelands National Plan on Business and Human Rights
A consultation event was hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 22 January 2016 on the Working Outline of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights. Following an invitation for submissions based on the Working Outline, responses were received from civil society and the business community. The Working Outline and submissions from interested parties can be accessed below.
- Submissions on Business and Human Rights
- Submissions on Working Outline of National Plan
Submissions on Business and Human Rights
Preliminary submissions on the development of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights
- Amnesty International
- Al-Haq
- All Together in Dignity - ATD Fourth World Ireland
- Baby Feeding Law Group & IBFAN
- Business in the Community Ireland
- Caring for Carers
- Chambers Ireland
- Christian Aid Ireland
- Clean Clothes Ireland
- Cómhlámh
- Dóchas
- Irish Centre for Human Rights
- Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
- Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign
- International Service for Human Rights
- National Standards Authority of Ireland
- PBI Ireland
- Irish Aid Expert Advisory Group
- Shell Ireland
- Professor Irene Lynch Fannon, UCC
- Trócaire
- Patrick Flanagan, IFC Consultant
- UNICEF Ireland
- Value Added Africa
Submissions on Working Outline of National Plan
Submissions on Working Outline of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights
- Action Aid
- Baby feeding Law Group Ireland
- Business in the Community Ireland
- Chambers Ireland
- Christian Aid Ireland
- Claire Methven O'Brien Danish Institute for Human Rights
- Community Work Ireland
- Dóchas
- Hannah Grene - Independent Consultant
- Irish Centre for Human Rights
- Liberia Solidarity Group
- National Women - Council of Ireland
- Patrick Flanagan - IFC Consultant
- Pavee Point
- Trócaire