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Data Privacy Notice for the recognition of a new gender for the purpose of Foreign Birth Registration

Information specific to the personal data being collected

The following data is specific information in relation to the personal data processed for the recognition of a new gender for the purpose of Foreign Birth Registration

1. Specified purpose:

The personal data is being collected/processed for the purpose of maintaining a record of the applicants whose entry in the Foreign Birth Register was amended to reflect their preferred gender and names as indicated by the Gender Recognition Certificate issued to them by the Irish Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection while protecting the confidentiality of the citizens concerned.

2. Lawful basis:

Consular Directorate’s legal basis for processing the personal data of subscribers is provided for by the Gender Recognition of Foreign Births Regulations 2017 .The Gender Recognition of Foreign Births Regulations 2017 provide for an entry to be made in the register for the gender recognition of foreign births and for a confirmation of citizenship to be issued in the preferred gender and names of a citizen whose birth is already recorded in the foreign births register with the names and gender as they appear on the certificate issued at the time of their birth.

3. Recipients: 

Capita – third party software provider.

4. Transferred outside the EU: 

No data is transferred outside of the EU – the register is administered in Dublin only.  

5. Retention Period:

The data collected for this purpose will be held by the Department only as long as there is a business need to do so in line with the purpose(s) for which it was collected. After this time it will be marked for destruction and will be destroyed in line with internal guidelines or guidelines for destruction received from the National Archives Office or associated permissions received from them.

Where an entry has been made in the register, duplicates of original documents will be archived to protect the integrity of the register.

6. Data provision being statutory or contractual obligation:

The data provided for this purpose is being requested under the requirements of the Gender Recognition of Foreign Births Registration Regulations 2017, which were introduced under the Gender Recognition Act 2015.

7. Automated Decision Making: 

No automated decision making is carried out during the process.

8. Information from Third Party:

Consular Services do not receive information from Third Parties. We may however verify personal data provided by the applicant with other Government Departments or Issuing Authorities.